Sunday, March 6, 2011


Similar pattern to the day as yesterday -- feel pretty good through the morning, get in a workout just before one dose of ProGraft runs out so that I can get in a shower during the changeover to the next dose, then start to drag through the afternoon. Napping/reading...

Some nausea this afternoon -- got a pill to help.

Had some more good food brought in for supper -- salmon burger and cole slaw.

Will probably go to sleep early tonight.


  1. Joe, you are SO prepared for this! Healing feelings and prayers are filling the airwaves.

  2. Joe, I just wanted you to know that I have been reading your blog from day one and I think you are amazing! Checking your blog is the first thing I do every morning.

    I have not seen you in over 30 years - I always knew you as Lauren's cool, aloof older brother. I have really enjoyed getting to know you these last few weeks. Anyway, I am sending you healing thoughts and I think about you all the time.
    Alex (Willo's daughter)

  3. Hi Joe,

    Heard Paul's team had a productive weekend tournament - bravo! Check out this set-play - I had to watch it twice to see what they were doing-



  4. Thanks for all the healing thoughts. They're working.

    Cool and aloof -- that's a good cover for socially awkward.
