Monday, December 12, 2011

They Missed an Option... Thank Goodness!

Last night, when ENT was describing the two outcomes of today's sinus surgery, there was the lucky outcome (no fungus, can't breathe through my nose for a week or more) and the unlucky outcome (fungus, can't breathe through my nose for a week or more, and I'm in a precarious battle after the transplant).

For some reason, they missed what turned out to be the actual outcome, which was even better than the lucky one: no fungus, I should be able to breathe through my nose in a day, and they removed a clown car's worth of mucus, blood, crud, old packing, and other mysteries from my sinuses, left over from their earlier expeditions. I think of this as a delayed version of Carry In, Carry Out.

They did see something suspicious, but it's already checked out.

Tomorrow is Transplant Day.


  1. Sounds like you're on a roll...keep it going. Praying for a successful transplant tomorrow.


  2. Thank goodness for such a positive outcome! Breathe clearly and sleep well tonight ... big day tomorrow. :)

  3. Yes! What good news! Have a good sleep and hope all goes just as smoothly tomorrow!

  4. Glad to hear you're still on a roll. I think it's going to sweep you right on through a wildly successful transplant experience!

  5. Nothing like a pre-holiday clean out. Nice. best of luck today!!


  6. Thank goodness!!! Go Joe go!!!


  7. Outstanding. Also glad I'm reading this just before lunch...


  8. Dear Joe--I am so glad to read of today's good news. I second Deborah's motion, above: Go, Joe, go!!! Jackie

  9. Joe, So glad you got a green light for the transplant, and clean sinuses, to boot! I know we're all looking forward to the best possible outcome. My Mom and Dad send their best wishes. Love to you and Jan (and Jake and Paul, of course.)

  10. Great News, and here's hoping that today also goes easily and well!
    Peter Woodbury
