Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another Quick Update

I know I have left people hanging by not posting more regularly, and that creates concern. You can relax.

I'll have more to say about my bladder infection and its treatment in a future (and I hope not too distant) post. It won't be for the squeamish, which might be why I'm putting off writing about it. The family-friendly summary is that I went back into the hospital on Monday, and I have progressed from almost always uncomfortable and frequently in great pain to occasionally uncomfortable and rarely in pain, and that pain is not as bad as before.

Unlike the infections I have fought through before transplant, this infection does not interfere with the overall treatment/recovery plan.

As for the recovery from transplant, that is going well. The preliminary biopsy results show no leukemia and typical quantities of various cell types at this point after a transplant, but we won't know for sure until the more accurate test results are in, either late this week or some time the week after.


  1. Just catching up with your January posts Joe! Glad to read that things seem to be moving in the right direction. Here is to a healthy 2012 for you!


  2. No Leukemia cells - AWESOME!!!! Go Joe!!


  3. I'm really liking those preliminary biopsy results

  4. Thank you for sharing what you're going through with all of us. I can imagine that it has given you and your family some measure of comfort: your writing is something that, unlike what is going on in your body, you can control. I admire your bravery and appreciate your writing. You are a treasure.

  5. Hi Joe,

    I didn't know anything about the leukemia until today (when I spoke with your dad), but I've caught up on your blog. Maxine and I and all of us are rooting for this latest treatment to be effective.


