Saturday, June 9, 2012


I started the day picking blueberries in the backyard. We have three small but mature bushes, which have been producing about a half cup a day for a couple of weeks now. Unlike last year, the birds are leaving the berries for us. The bushes would be more productive if properly pruned, but I've been otherwise occupied during the last couple of winter pruning windows. If I skip a day of harvesting, I bring in a cup and share them with Jan and Paul.

A half cup a day isn't enough to make a pie, but it's enough to make a classy upgrade to breakfast. I don't know that I could tell the difference in a blind taste test, but it seems like the berries I bring in from the backyard taste better than any other blueberries. I do know I enjoy them more

It's been fairly quiet on the medical front for the last several weeks. I continue to have little bit of rash and dry skin. The contractures (muscle and tendon pain) have been diminishing. I did call my doctor once, after a bloody stool, but it ended up being an isolated incident, and I didn't need to go up to Chicago for testing.

At my last appointment, my platelets were down from the previous visit, after a long stretch of climbing. Why? Who knows? My next appointment is Monday, and I'm hoping the platelets are on the way back up again.


  1. I've always wondered about that blind taste test. I'd say, don't do it! The joy you take from growing and picking your own should remain. It tastes better, damn it.

  2. You could always save up the blueberries in the fridge or freezer until you have enough for a pie. But I don't think that's the best use of fresh blueberries when they're in limited supply. And I'm sure they taste way better than most blueberries.

  3. Joe, you probably didn't know that a huge percentage of Sweden is covered in wild blueberries. It is astonishing.

    Glad to hear that things are quiet on the medical front and the increasing distance between blog posts must be an indicator of improving health.

    Hope you are having a great summer.


  4. Glad to hear things are going well. And for the record, I actually DID do a blind test once up at a friend's house (they, too, have several mature bushes). There was a clear difference - those home-grown berries were definitely better.
