Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lentius, Infernus, Infirmus...

We have been enjoying hours and hours of Olympics. Seven channels!

At the moment, I am living a sad inversion of the Olympic motto: Slower! Lower! Weaker! I walk more slowly, my blood counts can't get any lower, and simple tasks (like taking a shower or climbing the stairs) leave me winded.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of progressing leukemia and the side effects of the clinical trial are hard to distinguish right now. So we can't tell if I'm benefitting or not. At some point in the next several weeks, we might see a turnaround in the blood counts. It would be great if it happened before the end of the Olympics, so that I could experience some Faster-Higher-Stronger of my own, with the right sound track on television. It would not take much.


  1. Yeah Joe - go for the gold!

    I dare say, what you and Jan have gone through fighting this damn leukemia is much tougher than an Olympic competition

  2. Joe and Jan,

    You and your family are in our thoughts! You are a fighter, and Jan and your boys couldn't be a better crew for this journey.


  3. Just consider this slower, lower, weaker phase as your taper before you peak.

    The Thrill of Victory!! Indeed, what could be sweeter?

    R & R

  4. Hope that being home will help you attain the Faster-Higher-Stronger, this week!
    Ann, Brian & Paul

  5. We'll go not only for the thrill of victory, but toss in a bonus wish that this treatment does not lead to the agony of the feet...

  6. One foot in front of the other - you are an Olympian! Keep up the pace.

    Deborah & Stephen

  7. What you lack in physical strength you more than make up for in the strength of your spirit. And when you're feeling depleted in that arena, there are plenty of us out here sending you what we can in the form of prayers, virtual hugs, love, and warm fuzzies.

    I am more in awe of you than any Olympic athlete.

  8. You and Jan are daily in our thoughts and prayers!! I'm sure Jan is your Rock, because she is such an awesome person!!!

    Thinking of you and sending many prayers for strength!
    Ellen and Lowell Mennenga

  9. All I can say is, "Gotta love those girl gymnasts." Let them inspire you to victory!

  10. Prayers for good results. You are our hero (along with Tyler McGill)!!!
    Eileen and Danny L

  11. Hi Joe,
    We miss you and Jan very much. We were so delighted to spend time with Jake and Paul over the weekend.You must be very proud What terrific young men! Just wanted to say we love you and thinking of you.
    Ginger,Ralph, Angela, Alli

  12. There is also the little publicized credo - Spes Crede Victoria! (which, if Google Translate is accurate, mind you, means Hope, Believe, Victory!). Thinking of you and your family -


  13. We had such a nice time with Jake and Paul this weekend. So glad to see that they are sharing the same Olympic spirit as the rest of us! We're all rooting for you to win your own gold medal, although seeing all the love and support on here makes it very obvious that you've already won a few. Keep it up!
    Love Angela & Rob

    1. The Olympics are fantastic to watch, but Rob and I are more awed and inspired by your spirit and courage than by all those Olympic athletes combined. We hope and pray that you're racing toward a turnaround in the days ahead.
      Keep sloggin' and keep bloggin'-
      Les and Rob

  14. Although I didn't say it specifically at the HK celebration, you are awesome and continue to inspire me. Don't stop telling your story, Joe and keep fighting!
    Take care,
