Monday, October 10, 2011

Nine-Month Anniversary

Nine months ago today, on January 10, I received my diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia.

To celebrate the anniversary, I was back in the same office, having a bone marrow biopsy and then a consultation with my doctor.

We won't have a clear direction until later this week (Wednesday or Thursday), when my biopsy results are in and various teams have met to discuss them. My doctor suspects, based on blood tests, that I still have leukemia, and that the chemo treatment I had six weeks ago was not sufficiently poisonous. The biopsy will provide a lot of useful information: how healthy is my marrow, how well is the graft doing, how aggressive is the remaining leukemia.

One scenario is that I go back to Chicago soon (maybe Friday) for a different kind of chemo, possibly followed by a second transplant. (Sometimes it takes several transplants to put leukemia into remission.) A variation of that scenario is that we do the chemo, it (finally) knocks out the leukemia, and my counts recover on their own, without a transplant. Or the biopsy might send us in another direction entirely.

So, I don't know exactly what's next, but I'm mentally prepared to reopen my satellite office in Chicago. If I do have to go back, I'll be better prepared this time — I know what food to bring, and my iPad and Kindle are loaded.

Happy anniversary!


  1. Joe, Jan, Jake & Paul ~

    We're with you in spirit on this journey and eager to hear what the results are from the biopsy. It's good to know that the possibility of several transplants is not that unusual (in case you and Mara need to go that route).

    Be strong ... except when you need a release. (I find crying really hard actually refreshes me, once I've blown my nose and washed my face.) Reach out -- lots of us are here for you guys. And watch some funny movies. (Have you seen _The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming_ recently? Just watched it with the family, and we're all repeating our favorite quotes ad nauseam.)

    love you all!

  2. I'm thinking of you all and will watch to see if you do head back up north, I will have to send Shannon back in for a visit. Just know that you are an inspiration to all who read your blast. I really get such positive energy when I read them. Keep working and I will keep paying you!

    Lynn Zoll

  3. Hi Joe,
    Thinking of you and wishing you lots of love, courage, and... love!
    Keep up the great attitude.
    Much love,

  4. Well, if you have to go back to Chicago, I hope they give you the corner office.

  5. Will Leuk (the parrot) be joining you on this next adventure? Or has he now been relegated to avis non grata?
