Sunday, March 13, 2011

D+9 -- Counts!

Went to bed with both Ambien to help me sleep and Atavan (anti-nausea and pro-sleep). I sleep pretty well.

I have been on an every-8-hours Zofran regimen since yesterday. It's working -- only barely nauseous when I wake up.

I get some Lasix because my blood pressure has been getting a little high, for me -- 150/80. This is a result of all the liquids dripping into me all day: Prograf, vancomycin, meropenem, magnesium, platelets (sometimes), red blood (sometimes), more... The Lasix does bring my blood pressure down to more normal, for me -- 120/70. Lasix works by reducing the amount of fluid in your body, which means I have to pee every 30 minutes.

The doctors visit, with news! My white blood cell count is 300, indicating that the stem cells I received 9 days ago have settled into their new home and have been getting to work. Tomorrow's numbers will allow us to start narrowing in on a go-home date. (I later find out that the count was 200 yesterday, but the doctors had visited before the counts were available.)

Jan and Paul visit, with treats! Seltzer, McClintock fig bars, chopped nuts, golden raisins, a mass of cards. Claire also comes by, getting in a visit with her college roomie (and me).

Around 7 p.m., I go for a walk. With the two bags of blood I got today, I figure I should be pretty peppy. I'm wrong. 1.2 miles in 25 minutes, and it's hard. And the nausea is coming back. But at least I get some good laughs from my current Kindle reading, A Walk in the Woods.

After my walk, it's time for my regularly scheduled Zofran. (Maybe that's why the nausea started to come back -- I was jonesing for my next hit.) 

Dinner, help Paul with some studying by phone, do some Illinois Marathon data work, go to bed. Although, since I spent most of the day in bed -- sitting up, usually -- it would be more accurate to say that I put my Advanta™ 2 bed into the "Bed" position and turned out the light.


  1. Pygmies reunited! If you're there long enough, maybe you can reassemble the entire group

    Pretty exciting counts.


  2. Hooray white blood cells!

    Loved _A Walk in the Woods_. There's a line that still gets Karl and me chuckling. The scene was a night the hikers spent in a hut on the trail. Had to do with the pillow Bryson got.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's cell count!

  3. It looks like the lucky Irish chapeau is working! I think you need to wear it until your counts have fully recovered.

  4. Some celebrating at our house last night with the new white count news. How is Leuk taking the news?

  5. Super News! So glad to hear the good news.

  6. Great news on the counts! Keep up the good work. so good to see pygmies :) on the scene. Wow, talking about a go home date, awesome. I know Jan and Paul must be so ready, not to mention you and Leuk.

    Carol and Craig
