Saturday, March 19, 2011

Goodbye Room

In the sickly green room
There was a telephone
And a button red
And no view of--

Anything much outside my head

And there were transport staff who didn't care

And sleep in bursts and one bad nurse

And sweats and chills and countless pills

And a small TV and surgery

And fiber-free, oversalted food

And a secretary supremely rude

Goodbye room
(Not a moment too soon)
Goodbye space without leaf or bloom

Goodbye gown and goodbye pole
Goodbye oatmeal piping cold

Goodbye shower that doesn't wet
Goodbye pillow that makes me sweat

Goodbye oversalted food
And goodbye to the secretary supremely rude

Goodbye transport that doesn't care
Goodbye hospital, hello fresh air.

(Any similarity to the children's classic Goodnight Moon is entirely intentional.)


  1. I love it and just in time to be home for the supermoon!

  2. Let us give thanks for all with which we are blessed! Enjoy home, sweet home...

    R & R

  3. Epic, Joe! You continue to be in my family's thoughts and prayers.

  4. Margaret Wise Brown would be proud!
