Saturday, January 15, 2011

Treatment Plan

A summary of the treatment plan:

  1. Induce remission through chemotherapy. We're trying to kill nearly all the cells in my marrow.
  2. Recover in the hospital. I'll receive transfusions to make up for the blood cells I'm no longer creating myself. I'll need to be in the hospital for several weeks after chemo, to give my marrow a chance to grow back and take over blood production. Hopefully, my marrow comes back with no detectable signs of leukemia. 
  3. When I'm sufficiently recovered, I leave the hospital for a couple of weeks to continue recovering. I have heard that I might have to stay in Chicago and that I might be able to go home. It depends in part how the various blood counts are doing. I'll be very vulnerable to infection, so I'll need to stay somewhat cocooned.
  4. Another round of chemotherapy. This time, we're trying to clear out the marrow to make room for healthy cells from my sister Mara, who (luckily for me) is an ideal match. At some point, she will come to Chicago and spend a week or two, the end result of which is a collection of some healthy stem cells from her blood.
  5. Transplant. This is done by transfusion. Mara's healthy cells are delighted to find all this unoccupied space in my bones, and they move in. If there are any lingering leukemic cells, the new cells will destroy them.
  6. More recovery, first in the hospital, then out.


  1. Yeah, the whole idea behind chemo is pretty radical. You have to think the first time someone suggested it most everyone probably thought the idea was insane.

    Glad to hear you sister was a match. That is a major boost for the treatment.

  2. I'm learning so much from this. Wow! Sounds pretty intense. I am cheering for your sister's healthy cells!! Go Mara's cells!!

  3. It's lucky for all of us that I'm a good match!
