Friday, February 4, 2011

Care Package

One aspect of this illness that chokes me up is all the offers of support, both for me and for my family. Prayers, wishes, meals, cards, calls, books, e-mails... It's beyond heartwarming.

Jan delivered a large bag of goodies from my colleagues at Human Kinetics.

The pirate hat is popular with the staff on the corridor.

Curse you, Red Baron!

I wore this hat on my trip to the fifth floor of an adjacent hospital. It was a long trip, so the hat got a lot of exposure and a lot of smiles.

Reading material... The Avengers, The Nation, and MacLife. Who do they think I am?

Scrabble Flash is great, although Paul consistently outscores me.
Not pictured -- cards, V-Jerky, gas cards to pay for Jan's trips up to Chicago, restaurant gift certificates to simplify some dinners, iTunes card...

Thank you!


  1. The aviator hat with goggles is my personal favorite. It's a good look for you!

  2. Finally - another post. You realize that you've induced expectations in your audience? I want you to know that I have shaved my head as a show of solidarity.

    OK, actually, it was time for me to get a haircut and I did so, but I'm still attributing the inspiration to you. If not for your blog, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done it until Saturday.

    Are people getting out and about? If not, you could organize a call-and-response cheering session:
    - Divide the group in half (you'd need at least one other person to avoid significant discomfort).
    - 1st team: "Neutro!"
    - 2nd team: "Phil!"
    - Repeat several times, or until Security arrives. Don't worry, very few hospitals issue tasers to their security staff, and chemical restraint can be pretty relaxing (Ask your physician about Versed!).

    I have to qo with the harlequin.


  3. I don't know, I thought I had you pegged pretty good with the reading material ;)

  4. I've got to say, I think the chrome dome really suits you! It's sort of a professional-athlete-meets-wise-Buddhist-monk thing. :)
    Jen G

  5. I like the jester look. I'll bet some of the smiles became laughs and then funny memories--just what hospitals need. Keep up the good cheer!

  6. I thought you could wing the airplanes down the corridors...and possibly hit a few nurses while your at it. :-)
