Monday, February 7, 2011


Nothing new on the blood counts... platelets at 10 this morning, so I got more platelets; hemoglobin at 8.6, so I didn't get red blood.

My sister Lauren started her visit last night. The staff had no trouble identifying her as my sister. Today, Lauren freed me from the confines of the hospital menu and brought me a black bean burger and a pecan roll from the Au Bon Pain downstairs. The pecan roll was followed shortly by a food coma.

Tomorrow, both Lauren and Mara will be in town. It's an infusion of sisters! I have it on good authority that Mara is bringing chocolate, along with her awesome stem cells.


  1. 8.6 - not bad. Double figures are right around the corner, then the big step to a very good NFL win total, and before you know it you could even donate blood (except, of course, um).

    Pretty good infusion, too - you could do a lot worse. Best thing about a sister bringing chocolate and stem cells: it's not either/or.

    Is there a rule about Au Bon Pain in hospitals? I thought it was just Boston, where the chain started, but Chicago? Figured the chain there would be Vienna Beef.


  2. Good morning, Joe! Hope you have a great day!

  3. I'm surprised a hospital allows food that induces food comas! :-)
