Friday, February 11, 2011

A Sight for Sore Eyes

The posts are sparse these days because I have an eye infection that makes it uncomfortable to have my eyes open, and also makes it  hard to read. The eye infection makes my eyes swollen and red, to the point that it makes other people's eyes water just to look at them. I will spare you pictures, at least for now.

There's still no movement on the blood counts. The doctor in charge of my treatment isn't worried. In fact, we might take advantage of the continuing low counts to go straight to transplant without the typical out-of-hospital interval between the remission phase and the transplant phase.

I'll write more when I can see more clearly.


  1. Dear Joe, I am really, really sorry to hear about your eyes. I hope they heal quickly! Hi to Mara! Jackie

  2. Craig Roberts said...
    Hey Joe.Carol and I missed you and Jan at last years ST"JUDE marathon.The year before was great fun.You ran the marathon and everyone else ran the half while I carried all the bags.Must say it inspired me to start running again.Carol and I are thinking of you and Jan and look forward to running and seeing ya"ll at this years ST"JUDE.You will be good to go by then.Anyone who can get in bathtub with cold water and then dump in several bags of ice will have no problem getting through what you are dealing with.Can"t even imagine how cold that must be.Hang in there,it will all get better.Craig
    February 11, 2011 11:23 AM

  3. I hope your eyes are feeling better soon, man! I hope to see you around again soon.
