Sunday, February 27, 2011

Name the Parrot

After my colleagues sent me a pirate cap, to cover up my then soon to be and now bald head, sister Mara decided she had to bring an essential accessory.

He or she (I'll say "it" for now) perches on the IV pole and is therefore my nearly constant companion. The nurses don't mind, and some specifically mention that they like it. On my last transport to a procedure, a couple of days ago, I was greeted by name by someone coming up behind me into the elevator.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"I think a little bird told her," said someone else already on the elevator.
(I was wearing the pirate do-rag, too, so I was all gussied up for the trip.)

Several people have asked what the parrot's name is. I don't know.

I have thought of one name, relevant but twisted, but I don't want to bias this very intelligent and creative audience by sharing it, yet.

The floor is now open for nominations. You may justify your nomination or let its brilliance speak for itself. Unlike the parrot, which is mute.

= = =

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  1. A couple of out-of-blog nominations:


  2. Enlighten the ignorant. I figure the pirates baseball cap has something to to with Pittsburgh... what's the connection? And don't you have some history with the Red Sox? I went to my first baseball game with Jay Kenner in 8th grade. I lived 15 years in Pittsburgh and never had such a good time with the Pirates...

  3. Laura, it's a pirate cap, not a Pirate cap. Black, skull and crossbones. I have two now -- a cap and a do-rag.

    Some more nominations, from Facebook friends:
    > Fransisco ("it's fun to say" -- Will Ferrell, in Elf)
    > Madmartigan (a [non-parrot] character from Willow)

  4. Hi Joe (Arrgh matey),

    Just read some of these Pirate Jokes - thought you might enjoy them:



  5. A few more nominations from the floor staff: Zach, Oscar.

  6. Ivan. Who else would spend so much time atop Ivy?

  7. What about naming the parrot, Neutro-Phil?

  8. Joe a little music, food and pirate trivia. Jimmy Buffet wrote the song 'Cheese Burger in Paradise' after eating burgers over at Pirates Cove across the way from the house. His fans are lovingly referred to as Parrot Heads. In his honor I submit the following names, Jimmy Buffet, JB and Lulu(his sisters name and another fine eating establishment down here on the coast). Also since the parrot is mute how about Gabby.


  9. For some reason, Penelope comes to mind.

    Are you going to let the nurses and aides choose their favorite name, or you going to choose your favorite name. Or do all your followers get to vote?

  10. I like Jake's, although the pirate/Pirate theme fits any fowl play. One of our college classmates changed her first name to Bird, so I'll go with that. Or, if you want a more tricked-out version, B'ird.

  11. A couple more....

    - Count Phil

    - Keepanionit

    - Polly-wanna-transplant

    (Mara, Penelope is what Dad used to call me....)

  12. Lots of good suggestions here, as expected.

    I'm going to pick the winner.

  13. Name The Parrot:
    Ya know, as yer sittin' der wondering 'bout stuff, ya might ask the Parrot, "hey, so and so, what da ya think?"
    So, ya could say, "What da ya think, Polly?" or ya could say, "What da think, Count Phil?" or, "What da think, Gulliver or Fransisco?" BUT, I can see ya sittin' there sayin', "What da think, Coach?"
    So, I vote ya name the darn bird COACH!

  14. Parrot America
    The Green Scourge of the Chicago
    Green with IV (pronounced "eye-vee")

  15. I'm stumped. Will think on it a while longer.
