Friday, February 25, 2011

Visit from the President

Not that President, although that would be great. Anyone have some connections? I am in his hometown, after all. And I did vote for him, enthusiastically. And I do have some constructive suggestions. Of course.

No, I just had a good visit with the new president of the medical center that has been my home these last 6+ weeks.

I wrote her a welcome note, and urged her to consider non-medical dimensions (food service, patient transportation) in her stated goal of improving the patient experience.

She wrote back, and asked if she could come and talk with me about my observations and ideas. Of course!
It was a good talk. She asked about how I am doing, what I do for a living, and how my family is doing. And then we talked about the needs-improvement aspects of the patient experience, from my perspective. 
She comes to this position from other hospitals that handle food and transportation better than they do here. So, not only does she know it can be better, but she knows specific ways that other hospitals have addressed these particular issues. Very encouraging!
It's also encouraging that the person at the very top, less than a week into a new job, values patient input enough to take time out of what has to be a very busy week to listen to a patient.
I hope to be out of here before the kinds of systemic changes required could be implemented, but  I am optimistic that the full spectrum of patient care, and especially the non-medical but still health-related dimensions, is going to get better.


  1. Joe,

    Sometimes it's about being in the right place with the right person at the right time. And it seems you are. It also helps to have a lending ear even if they're new to their job, eager to make their mark, to make a difference for those who matter, the patients!! What a wonderful spokesperson and advocate you are for them. You go, guy!!

    Also thoroughly appreciated your account of your surgical experience. Your repetitive questions in recovery struck a chord. It was the Versed. As I always tell our patients, "Drugs R Us." We LOVE patients like you!

    Finally, we want to wish you a (belated) Happy Birthday. Isn't it interesting that you, Jan, and (Bone) Mara celebrated your special days so close together? I don't know about you, brother, but I'm feeling the love! And it's gonna help you beat this thing! So Happy, Happy Rebirthday, Baby!!

    Hugs & Kisses,
    Rich & Rhonda

  2. (Bone) Mara (a.k.a Aunt Marrow)February 26, 2011 at 7:24 PM

    This might be too much to ask for, but I was thinking it would be great to have a rooftop patio on the new building, for patients who are in the hospital for the long haul to be able to go outside for some fresh air and sunshine.

  3. A rooftop patio is a great idea. From what I remember from my time in a room with a view of the construction, I think there is some space like that near the top. However, I can only look up at it, so I have no idea if it's a space meant for human use.

  4. Good job on following through -- I often think of writing to the CEO of a company when I either get bad service or when I see them doing something incredibly stupid -- but never actually do it.

    As an example, I have SiriusXM satellite radio in my car. The whole idea of satellite radio is no commercials, you are paying for the broadcast. And yet,

    1) They have DJs talking over the instrumental intros of songs, and rattling on about the artists doing this or that. Shut the heck up and play my music. Fire the DJs. You save all the money you pay them and the customers can better enjoy the music -- it's a win/win!

    2) Stop the self promotion. I know I am listening to SiriusXM radio -- I'm paying for it! SiriusXM commercials are still commercials, I don't want to hear them.

  5. Joe the Prez is lucky you're there to provide honest feedback while she's new and not yet so steeped in the ways of the hospital that change is impossible. While you're at it, how is the elevator music in the hospital? :-)
